A month has gone by and let me clarify that i was truly busy with a lot of things.From internals to co-ordinating tech fest to partly conducting farewell,handling a lot of treasure and wat not?? a hectic semester, must say.
Obviously in this course of time i have discovered and learnt a lot about my self..my strenghts ,my weaknesses etc etc .Not that i dint know about them.Its jus that i proved them to myself :)
ok now
On a mark get, set, go!
Life is beautiful.Who says it is not?It is happiness that defines good things in life.To stay happy is the key to success. so the question that always enthralls in everybody's mind is how to stay happy?
Not everybody has what he wants in life.In fact human life is such that nothing can satisfy them.Happiness comes to those who are contented with whatever one has?and if this is the case then no one's happy
So does this mean there are very few people in this world who are truly happy!
So what exactly is the state of happiness
Is it getting watever u want?satisfying all your needs? or
Is it jus smiling all the time? [implied from whenever anybody smiles people ask "why are u so happy?"]
Is happiness related to the happiness of your loved ones?
The one thing which is clear is that happiness cannot be bought and hence materialistic pleasure cannot equate to happiness
So then wats it to be happy??
all i can say is happiness can be found in small things in life.Be it jus quenching your thirst.I agree it brings you a sigh of relief and its that relief that will indeed make you smile!it is the feeling of content that makes you happy.
Is it when you get your dream job?
happiness is when you eat your fave bar of chocolate
It makes one feel happy when your teacher/boss recognises you by your name
Shopping makes everybody happy
Having a pleasant talk with your loved ones brings you a sense of happiness
An extra 100 buck in pocket money brings joy
Having a goal is itself a state of happiness.the goal can be as small as sleeping early
and getting up early next day!
The Pursuit of happiness can be defined by these petty things in life.What makes one happy is upto themselves.
Staying away from people who upset you is good enough to stay happy
Having a positive attitude,being optimistic ,honesty,being true to yourself are some of the things that can ward off negative vibes
so keep smiling and happiness will smile at you!