For people who dint understand the tiltle,read it as exams.

Why do we have exams?Espiacially the VTU ones?According to me it just enhances my cramming abilities.Are internals(class tests are called internals) not enough to analyze ones performace?
One month of study holidays.Its almost like a vacation.I cant imagine people studying 24/7.Does anybody do that?To those who do it-Kudos!
I understand,theory subjects are meant for mugging.In our case, practicals should also be crammed.The C and C++ programs are actually crammed by everybody.Thats the way it is and should be.
Another 20 days left for exams.This means Eggjamsciosis(a disease) is going to sustain till then.
That also means that i cant post till then:(.It is an exile period for one month.
Wish me luck.